Monday, January 29, 2007

Theme of the Week: Whatizit?

Many photos in the macro world, taken out of the context of the larger image, are very deceptive. They give no clue about what the thing really is or they look like they are a part of something else completely. This week's theme is for those images!

Untitled from: Rosebud23

Red Abstract from: Red Kitten

Window Ice art (Jack Frost's Crashing waves) from: Artista

Monday, January 01, 2007

Theme of the Week: Holiday Ornaments and Decorations

This week’s theme in keeping with the time of year is Holiday Ornaments and Decorations. From family keepsakes to store displays and more, we are surrounded by the trimmings and trappings of the season. The abundance of variety, shape and texture makes them a perfect subject for us macro fans.

With the busy holidays this theme ran for two weeks. With that in mind I choose six top picks from the many fantastic entries. They are:

-- from rivadock4

-- from Red_Kitten

-- from VirgoMerry

-- from violet021581

-- from ~K~

-- from carlafinley